Monday 19 March 2012

Squid with Green Peppercorns

When I was at Siem Reap, Cambodia. I tasted few dishes cooked with green peppercorns and I loved it. I requested the hotel staff to buy for me the fresh Kampot green peppercorns to take back home. This is one of the lovely recipe which I get it from the hotel chef. So let's try this..

1/2 kg fresh baby squid - clean and sliced
3 cloves garlic - chopped
1 red chilli - sliced
1 big onion - sliced
1 stalk lemon grass - use only the tender part - chopped
4 kaffir leaves - sliced
1/2 cup green peppercorns
3 tblsp fish sauce
1 tsp of palm sugar
1 tsp plum sauce
1/2 cup green beans (optional)
1 stalk corriander leaves


1. Heat wok with 3 tblsp cooking oil, stir fry squid for only 30 seconds. Remove and set a side

2. Add oil into the wok, and sautee garlic and lemongrass until fragrant

3. Add cut chilli, green beans, peppercorns and kaffir leaves. Add in squid, plum and fish sauce, palm sugar and corriander leaves . Add salt if needed.

4. Served with rice

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