Monday 19 March 2012

Paru-paru Goreng

Beef lungs - (cut into 4, clean and boiled)
3-4 green/red chilies - sliced (long)
1 big onion - sliced
1 tsp sugar
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tsp lime juice
1 tsp chicken stock powder/ granules
1 pcs tomato - cut
salt to taste (optional)

Ingredient to be pounded
2 dried chilli - pounded
1 garlic
1 onion
1/2" ginger

1. Boiled beef lungs until cooked (about 45mins). Once cold, slice thin.
2. Coat with cumin, fennel, turmeric powder & a pinch of salt. Deep fry and keep a side.
3. Heat up oil and sautee the onion and  chilli paste until fragrant
4. Add salt, chicken stock, sugar and tlime juice to taste.
5. Combine lungs & cut tomato into wok and mixed thoroughly
6. Garnished with spring onion and served with rice

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