Saturday 16 March 2013

Baked Stuffed Zucchini

Baked Stuffed Zucchini

2 medium size zucchini
1 fresh chili - chopped
1/2 cup minced chicken
1/4 cup chopped fresh prawn
1 onion - chopped
2 cloves garlic - chopped
1 tbsp Worcester sauce
Salt and black papper to taste

1. Cut zucchini and them scoop out the centre to make a cup
2. In a saucepan, heat about 1 tbsp oil and then sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant,
3. Add in the chicken, prawn and chopped chili;  Season with worcester sauce, black pepper and salt.  Cooked for about 2-3 minutes. and the removed from the heat
4. Scoop the meat into the zucchini and the bake in the oven at 150 degree C for about 15-20 minutes

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