Tuesday 4 December 2012

Meat Ball with Butter Prawn Cereals

I have some left over meat balls, not wanting to waste it.. plus I have the cereal which I bought few weeks ago... so I created this simple recipe.  Quick and delicious, I'm sure many of you would love to try it. So Happy cooking Guys!!

Meatballs with Butter Cereals

300gm meat ball
1/2 cup butter prawn cereals  (sold in the market)
1 tbsp butter
2 birds eye chili - cut
2 garlic - chopped
1 stalk curry leaves
1 tbsp butter

1. Heat oil and fry the meat balls until cooked. Set aside
2. Clean the wok, and melt 1 tbsp butter. Sauté garlic, chili and curry leaves until brown.
3. Add in meat balls, season with salt and pepper. Finally add in butter prawn cereals, stir thoroughly
4. Removed and served with chinese fried rice or steam rice

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