Wednesday 5 December 2012

Grilled Chicken Breast

4 pcs chicken breast
2 cloves garlic - crushed
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp paprika (chili) powder
2 tbsp olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
Rosemary leaves

1. Marinade chicken with olive oil, paprika powder, garlic and ginger powder. Season with  freshly ground black pepper and salt.
2. Heat about 1 tbsp oil in a frying pan, fry the chicken for few minutes before transfer to the baking tray. Add the crushed garlic and rosemary leaves. Bake in the preheat oven at 170 degree Celcius for about 20 minutes or until its ready
3. Served with mashed potatoes and brown gravy

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