Wednesday 31 October 2012

Steam Mocca Cake

Ingredients A
250g Butter
1 cup cocoa powder
1 cup fresh milk
1 tbsp Nescafe
1/2 cup condensed milk

Ingredients B
3 eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Ingredients C
1 1/4 cup plain flour
1/2 tsp soda bicarbonate
1 tsp baking powder

1. Combine the ingredients A in a small pot, cooked on slow heat until its mixed thoroughly. Removed and set a side
2. Using the electric mixer, whisk egg and brown sugar until fluffy and then add the vanilla.
3. Add the mixture and continue stir, slowly add the ingredients C bit by bit.
4. Heat up a steamer. And steam the cake for about 45 minutes or until it cooked
5. Carefully removed from the steamer, avoid the water dropping on the cake.
6. Served


  1. why it is so black because of the cocoa powder. if i see the picture it look like a chocolate cak. but i know in mocca cake its just a ligt brown in color. how can i achieve that color?


  2. By adding the coffee into the recipe will make it dark color plus it give the aroma. In this recipe I use Nescafe powder.


  3. By adding the coffee into the recipe will make it dark color plus it give the aroma. In this recipe I use Nescafe powder.
