Thursday 18 October 2012

Fried Crispy Bitter gourd

Not many people like bitter gourd but when you prepare it this way, even the young children would like it. 

5pcs bitter gourd - sliced thinly
2 onion - thinly sliced
1 stalk curry leaves

Items A
1 tbsp rice flour
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp curry powder
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp chicken stock granules
Salt to taste

1. Sliced the bitter gourd thinly, set aside
2. Combine all ingredients of Items A in a bowl. And then add bitter gourd, onion and curry leaves, stirs. And then add about 2 tbsp water. Mixed it evenly
3. Heat oil in the wok, deep fried the bitter gourd until crispy and served.

Mummy's Guide To Finger-Licking Food

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