Monday 9 July 2012

Dried Chicken Curry

1/2 kg chicken - cut into small pieces
2 pieces potatoes - peel and cut
2 tbsp ghee
3 onions - minced
2 garlic - minced
1/2" ginger - sliced thinly
3 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp chili powder
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup coconut milk
3 tbsp plain yogurt
1 stalk curry leaves
1 stalk Coriander leaves

1. Heat about 3 tbsp oil in a wok and them lightly fried the chicken and set aside
2. With the remaining oil, add in the ghee and minced onion, garlic and curry leaves. Stir until fragrant
3. Add curry powder and chill powder with water. Stir until dry (you can see the oil on the surface)
4. Add in the chicken and potato. Add coconut milk, stirs until potato cooked and then add yogurt
5. Season with salt and sugar to your taste. 
6. Add coriander leaves and served

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