Monday 23 July 2012

Crab Stick Popiah

1 packet Popiah Skin
1 packet Crab stick
1/2 large Onion
2 garlic - crushed
1 cup mixed vegetables
1 tbsp oyster sauce
A dash of pepper
1 bowl shredded lettuce
Oil to fry

1. Heat 1 tbsp oil, stir fry garlic and onion until soften.
2. Add mixed vegetables, followed by oyster sauce and a bit of water. Stir until cooked and dry, removed and allow to cool
3. Arrange the lettuce, mixed vege and crab stick on popiah skin. Roll it and wet it with water to glue it
4. Heat oil and deep fry the poppiah until brown
5. Served with sweet chili during tea or breakfast

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