Sunday 3 June 2012

Pong Teh Chicken

This is one of the main dish of Baba Nyonya (Peranakan) cuisine. Available at most of Chinese restaurant in Malaysia and Singapore.

3 pieces of chicken thigh - cut
3 cups water
8 pcs beans
4 pieces dried mushroom - soaked and cut
3 potatoes - peeled and cut
2 tbsp teow choo (fermented bean sauce)
3 onion - pounded
4 garlic - pounded
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp chopped palm sugar

1. Heat 3 tbsp oil, in a wok, fry the garlic and onion until fragrant
2. Add teow choo, soy sauce and palm sugar. cooked until sugar dissolved
3. Add chicken, water and potato, reduced the heat. Simmer until the chicken tender
4. Add beans and season with salt, light soy sauce and a dash of pepper
4. Dish out and served with plain steam rice

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