Thursday 12 April 2012

Prawn Chilli Linguine

300g Linguine
3 garlic - chopped
8 - 10 pcs prawn
2 red chilli - Removed the seeds and chopped
2 tblsp butter
2 tblsp Olive oil
1 tblsp lemon juice
1 tsp tomato sauce
1/2 cup rocket leaves or lettuce - sliced

1. Boiled Linguine  for about 10mins until it cook. Drain & keep a side
2. Heat up olive oil in a sauce pan, stir fry garlic until brown, and then add chilli.
3. Add in prawn, tomato sauce, lemon juice & salt to taste. Stir until cooked and then add in butter.
4. Add linguine and rocket leaves. Mixed well
5. Served

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