Wednesday 11 April 2012

Nyonya Asam Pedas

3-4 pcs Tenggiri block
1 small cut of cabage
1 tblsp tamarind paste
Salt to taste
3 tblsp cooking oil

For chilli paste (blend until smooth)
1 tsp corriander powder
1/2 tsp fennel powder   
1/2 tsp cummin powder  
1/2" fresh turmeric         
1 tsp belacan (shrimp paste)
1 tblsp kerisik
2 cloves garlic
1/4" ginger
1 big onion

1. Blend ingredient for chilli paste until smooth. Keep aside
2. Heat 3 tblsp oil, saute' the chillie paste until fragrant
3. Add in salt, tamarind paste (mixed with water) and fish. Bring to boil.
4. Add in cabbage, cook for few mins and remove from stove.
5. Serve with plain rice

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