Friday 20 April 2012

Kueh Lapis (Layer Cake)

Kueh lapis or 'layer cake' is one of our popular local dessert. Children loves to eat this by pealing it layer by layer.

Ingredients A:

50g rice flour (1/4 cup rice flour)
180g tapioca flour (3/4 cup tapioca flour)
480g coconut milk (2 cups coconut milk)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Vanilla essence

Boil to make the syrup:

1 cup sugar (reduce it if you dont like it sweet)
3/4 cup water
4-5  pcs pandan leaves - tie into knot


1. Combine all the ingredients including the syrup in a bowl and mixed well.
2. Sieve using the strainer to ensure it's smooth
3. Divide into 2, Add red coloring in 1 portion and leave the other as white
4. Heat-up steamer, put in the tray in it, use ladle to pour a single scoop of white mixture and cover the steamer. Steam for 5 mins.
5. Pour the same amount of red mixture on top of the white layer. Steam for 5 mins.
6. Repeat this layers until finish, steam for 10 mins and remove from steamer
7. Leave it cool before cutting to serve

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