Sunday 15 April 2012

Deep-Fried Sweet Sour Chicken Fillet

10 pcs chicken wings
Cornstarch for coating
Cooking oil for deep fried

Marinade Ingredients
1 tblsp light soy sauce
1 tsp 5 spices powder
1 tsp blackpepper

Sauce Ingredients
2 tblsp tomato sauce
1 tblsp brown sugar
2 tblsp white vinegar
2 tblsp water
Salt to taste

1. Marinade the chicken for 1 hour
2. Heat the oil, coat the chicken with cornstarch evenly and deep fry the chicken. Set aside
3. Remove the remaining oil, leave only 1 tblp. Add sauce ingredient and bring to boil.
4. Combine the fried chicken into the wok, coat it thoroughly with the sauce.
5. Dish out and served immediately

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