Friday 6 April 2012

Ayam Percik Mummy

2 pcs Chicken thigh
1 lemongrass - crushed
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 small pc palm sugar

Ingredient A (Blend smooth)
4 small onions
3 garlic
1 red chilli
5 pcs dried chillie (removed the seeds)
2 candlenut (buah keras)
1" ginger
1 cup of coconut milk

Ingredient B (Marinade)
1- 2 tblsp chilli powder
2 candlenuts (buah keras)
2 onion
2 garlic
1/2" ginger
1 lemongrass
1 " galangal
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tblsp honey
1 tblsp oil
1/2 tsp salt

Step 1Marinade the Chicken
1. Combine ingredient B and chicken. Marinade for at least 2 hours (longer is better)2. Heat 1 tblsp oil in a wok, Add chicken and cover with the lid. cooked for 2 mins.

Step 2 - To make the sauce
1. Heat oil in sauce pan, add ingredient A (paste) and lemongrass. Stir fry for 5mins
2. Add coconut milk and tamarind paste, sugar and salt to taste.
3. Add the half cook chicken into the sauce. Coat thouroughly the chicken and removed from the sauce.
4. Simmer the remaining sauce with slow heat until thick

Step 3 - Grilled the Chicken
1. BBQ or grilled the chicken in the oven at 180 degree for about 15min or until brown
2. Served with the sauce

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