Saturday 10 March 2012

Malaysian Fruit Salad (Rojak Buah)

I am not sure whether this can be classified as fruit salad.. I think it is. So I called it "Malaysia Fruit Salad". If you find it difficult to find good rojak sauce in the market, why dont do it yourself.

Pineapple / Green manggo /green apple / Cucumber / Sengkuang (Sweet turnip) etc

Sauce Ingredients:
5-6 dried chilli - remove seed & roasted
1tblsp in roasted shrimp paste
2 ½ tbsp thick soy sauce
½ cup sugar or brown sugar
250gm palm sugar (gula melaka)
1cube anchovies stock (dissolve with a bit of water)
2 tbsp tamarind juice
½ cup roasted groundnuts (blend to paste)
1 tbsp sesame seeds (roasted)
Salt to taste

1 cup roasted groundnuts /peanuts (ground coarsely)

1. Blend dried chilli and roasted shrimp paste .Keep aside.
2. In low heat, mix in 1 cup water with palm sugar.Let it cook until palm sugar melts.
3. In between add in the sugar/brown sugar.Once the syrup thicken slightly, switch off the fire.
4. Add in soy sauce, pounded chili and shrimp paste , grounded peanuts, tamarind juice, lime juice, anchovies mixture and salt to taste .
6. Give a good stir and finally add in sesame seeds .Stir again.

To serve:
In a bowl , add in cut fruits add in the sauce and give it a stir so that the sauce is well combine with all the ingredients, garnish with coarsely pounded peanuts or roasted groundnuts.

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