Tuesday 6 March 2012

Fried Rice - Chinese Style

1 bowl cooked rice
1 tblsp butter
1 tsp cooking oil
3 tblsp fozen mixed vegetables
2 onion - chopped
1 garlic - chopped
1 red chili (optional)
1 egg
1 tsp chicken stock (powder)
1 tsp light soy sauce
A dashed of pepper
Salt to taste

1. Melt butter and combine with oil in a wok. Add onion and garlic till fragrant
2. Break the egg into the wok and stir. Add mixed vegetable & chilli, cook for about 2 mins.
3. Add soy sauce, salt (if needed), pepper and finally add rice and stir well.
4. Served while it still hot

Note: If you like more ingredient, you can add minced chicken or prawn. My family prefer its simple

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