Wednesday 21 March 2012

Ayam Goreng Kicap

3 pcs chicken breast - cut
1 tsp turmeric powder 
1 tsp salt                          

Blend to make chilli paste
6 pcs dried chilli - fried with 2 tblsp oil
3 garlic
1/2" ginger
2 small onion

1 big onion - cut
2-3 tblsp dark soy sauce
1 tblsp tomato sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp chicken stock powder
1 tsp sugar

1. Coat chicken with turmeric powder and salt, deep fry until brown
2. Reduced the oil to about 2 tblsp, sautee the onions followed by chilli paste. Stir fry
3. Add all other ingredients and chicken. Mixed well
4. Garnish with spring onion. Served while its still hot

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