Monday 27 February 2012

Chicken Soup (Sup Ayam)

If you like Sup Ekor Kambing (Ox tail soup) I guess you will like this too. Those days my mother used to cook it in a big pot using either beef or chicken. It taste so good and we can never had enough of it. We missed her delicous cooking so much...

Ingredient A
1/2 chicken (cut into small pieces)
2 onions (slice it)
2 garlic (slice)
a bit of ginger (slice)
1 pc Cinnamon stick
4 pcs Cardamom
4 pcs Cloves
2 pcs Anise star
2 bowl of water
Salt, pepper
chicken stock and a pinch of sugar

Ingredient B (to blend)
3 onions
3 garlic
1/2 inch of ginger
1 tblsp Cumin powder
1 tbsp Fennel powder
1 tblsp Corriander powder
1tsp cinnamon stick powder
1 tblsp black pepper (can add more if you want it spicy)

For Garnish
Celery and spring onions (cut into small)
fried shallots

1) Heat pot with 2 spoon of cooking oil
2) Fried ingredient A, stir untill it turn brown
3) Add ingredient B with a bit of water and keep stiring until it fragrance
4) Add in chicken let in cook for a while and then add water and potato
5) Add in sugar, salt anda pepper to taste
6) Let it boil until the potato tender
7) Garnish it with celery, spring onion and fried shallot
8) Served while it hot.

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