Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chicken Rice (Nasi Ayam)

This is my family's favourite meal. So easy to make and it's satisfied everyone in the house

3 cups rice
3 cups chicken broth
(boil chicken parts i.e. wings or bones let it simmer for about 45min, and take the stock)
1 inch young ginger   ) Chopped
4 pcs garlic                 ) Chopped
1 tblsp Margerine
1 lemon grass - lightly pound to break it
1 tblsp condensed milk
Salt to taste
1 whole chicken        )
3 tblsp Oyster sos      ) marinate for 30 mins or longer
3 tblsp Light soy sos  )
1 tsp sesame oil         )

For Garnish
Corriander leaves,
Spring Onions 
2 tomato
1 carrot
1 cucumber

1) Melt margerine in pot. Stir fry garlic, ginger and lemon grass untill it turns brown and fragrant
2) Add in chicken stock, salt and milk. Once it boil at rice slowly
3) Add salt to taste, reduced the heat to lowest until it cook

Note: If you are not familiar cooking rice on stove, my suggestion is; just transfer the rice when the water started to dry and complete the process in the rice cooker.

1) Heat up oven at 180 degree
2) Heat up wok with 3 tblsp of cooking oil
3) Fried marinated chicken for about 5 min. (cover the wok and cook on slow fire)
4) Transfer to Oven for another 20 mins or until it turn brown
(Chilli Sos)
1) 4 pcs red cili
2) 3 pcs garlic
3) 2 tblsp vinegar
4) 1 tblsp lime juice
5) 1 tspn sugar
6) 1 tblsp cili sos (preferably Thai sos)
7) 1/4 cup of water
8) Salt to taste

Preparation for chilli sos
Blend all together until fine. Pour it in a small pot, let it boil for 3 mins and sos is ready to be served.

Normally; chicken rice is served with cucumber, tomato & corriander leaves. It's up to you...

1 comment:

  1. It's Matt's fav food! After tasting it for the first time, he insisted for Nasi Ayam for dinner..every single night..for 7 days in a row!! LOL
